Hi guys and welcome back to the Dogroll! For those of you who have gone back to school, I hope you’re having a great school year so far!

The Dog of the Month for September is the Nova Scotia duck-tolling retriever, which is the smallest of all the retriever breeds. Long name, I know, but you can just call it by its much shorter nickname, the Toller. This breed gets its name from the way it was used to lure swimming ducks to the shore, where they were caught by hunters. The Toller may look a bit similar to the golden retriever, but Tollers are smaller and more reddish-colored and often have red noses as well. Many of them also have patches of white on their chests, faces, paws, or tip of their tails. They have a double coat that should be brushed weekly to prevent matting, and more often during shedding season, which is usually spring and fall. The Toller is a highly energetic dog that is best suited for active families that will take him hiking or swimming. If you’re interested in competing in dog sports like agility, dock diving or disc flying, this dog may be perfect for you! In addition to having lots of energy, Tollers (like other retrievers) are intelligent, eager-to-please dogs that respond and learn best with positive reinforcement training.

If the Nova Scotia duck-tolling retriever sounds like the right dog for you, please make sure to get one from a responsible dog breeder or rescue, not from a pet store!

Thanks for reading!


Top photo credit: Tom Ek orange is a new… white via photopin (license)

Bottom photo credit: Wellu Virtanen Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever via photopin (license)