Papillon brown

Hey guys! It’s May already!
Do you remember last month when I said that the next Dog of the Month was a small dog that has ears that were shaped like a butterfly’s wings? Well, here it is. The Dog of the Month for May is…drumroll…. the Papillon! I chose this dog for May because they seem like great spring dogs, the way their ears are shaped like butterfly wings. And guess what? In French, Papillon means “butterfly”! Papillons are named for their unique ears.

Papillons are easy to train and are great playmates for kids and other animals. They are very small, so you could take them to lots of places! (Well, just don’t take one to school.) Their coats are white with patches of colors like black, tan, or red. Some Papillons have ears that drop down instead of up. They are called phalenes.

I just love the way papillons look. They look so graceful with their butterfly wing-shaped ears and long fur. Don’t you think so? Well, that’s all for May. Be sure to stay tuned for the next Dog of the Month in June! See you soon!


Papillon black

top photo credit: Wanted: grooming kit for hairy ears via photopin (license)
bottom photo credit: DSC_5482 via photopin (license)
featured photo credit: Papillon Ears via photopin (license)