
Hello everybody!
April is already here and so am I with the latest Dog of the Month, which is the poodle!

Poodles come in three different varieties: standard, miniature, and toy. The poodle originated in Germany and was bred to retrieve birds in the water. In fact, the breed’s name, poodle, comes from the word pudel, which means “to splash in the water” in German. Poodles were also used as circus dogs, and they still are today! You might have seen some at a circus. I sure have!

Poodles are hypoallergenic, which means they are great for people who have allergies because they don’t shed as much as some of the other dog breeds. Miniature and toy poodles don’t need as much exercise as standard poodles.

Okay then, that’s it for now. See you later!



Top photo credit: Пушкинская набережная – Нескучный сад / Pushkin Embankment – Neskuchny Garden via photopin (license)

Bottom & Featured photo credit: Poofy Poodle via photopin (license)