
Hello everyone and welcome back to the Dogroll! I want to say Happy Memorial Day! For me, May has been a very busy month. In any case, I decided that the Dog of the Month for May would be the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. Not for any particular reason, in case you were wondering; I just chose this breed for this month!

The Cavalier King Charles spaniel has the same type of lively, friendly personality as the bigger spaniels; he’s just smaller. And instead of being used as a hunting dog like the other spaniels were, this dog got to live with the people of English royalty. This little dog is even named after King Charles II! If I had one, I’d name him Prince!

Cavalier King Charles spaniels are very loyal to their owners and are great friends to kids. Their can come in a different variety of colors: black-and-tan, ruby (which is like a coppery red), Blenheim (white with reddish splotches, which is my personal favorite), or tricolor (black, white, and tan). The Cavalier King Charles spaniel has a beautiful long, feathery coat and big, dark eyes that make him have a soft, soulful expression. This dog is definitely one of my favorite types of dogs! They are just so cute!

Okay then, guess I have to go now. Thanks for reading!

Dog Talk
Think dogs only wag their tails when they’re happy? Think again! Sometimes a dog will wag his tail to show that he’s angry or agitated. Want to know the difference? A happy dog will wag his tail very fast or quickly, and his ears will be held in a relaxed position or will be perked up. His mouth may be open, too, and it may look like he’s smiling. An angry dog will wag his tail slowly, and he may stiffen up. He might even growl or show his teeth. When trying to figure out how your dog is feeling, be sure to study the whole dog.


Top photo credit: Arise King Charles via photopin (license)

Bottom & Featured photo credit: Bella Close up via photopin (license)