
Hey guys! I’m back! Sorry, but there was no Dog of the Month for June. It’s been a very busy spring and summer. Soon I’ll tell you about all of the things that I’ve been involved in for the last few months. But anyway there is a Dog of the Month for July! Since Independence Day is in this month, I decided that the Dog of the Month for July would be the Chesapeake Bay retriever, an all-American dog breed!

Just like other retrievers, the Chesapeake Bay retriever was used to retrieve ducks. I think they kind of look like Labradors, except Chesapeakes have thicker, wavier fur. The colors that Chesapeakes can come in range from a light straw color to dark brown. They have a double coat to stay warm while in freezing water, and it’s even water-resistant! I wish I can have fur like that so I can be warm while swimming in really cold water!

Well then, I guess that’s all for this Dog of the Month. Thanks for reading, and Happy Fourth of July!


photo credit: Koni bear via photopin (license)

photo credit: Stick via photopin (license)