Welcome back to the Dogroll everyone!

The Dog of the Month for October is the Pomeranian (Pom for short). Since these dogs were descended from large spitz-type dogs from the Arctic, Pomeranians think they are big dogs!

The Pom is very smart and is a great student in obedience class. Even though they’re small, they make great watchdogs because they don’t really accept strangers, are bold, and can be big barkers!

Pomeranians have a double coat, which can be just about any color. The reason I chose this dog for October, in case you were wondering, is because an orange or red Pomeranian’s coat goes with colors of fall!

Well, I guess that’s all for this Dog of the Month.

Soon, I will be posting more about the wonderful donations received during my birthday party for Adopt a Shelter Dog Month as well as cool pictures from the party. Thank you all who have donated and for the well wishes given to me regarding my birthday. I am still taking it all in now as a new teenager :)))

Until next time!

Fun Fact!
Here’s a fact that I thought was interesting when I came across it in a book that I was reading: Dogs whose mouths have black patches inside can smell better than dogs whose mouths are only pink inside! Did you know that? If you didn’t, now you do 🙂


Bottom photo credit: kirtaph Oh, This is Honey! via photopin (license)

Featured photo credit: Thanate Tan Pomeranian via photopin (license)