Hi, it’s me again!

This month’s Dog of the Month is the dachshund, aka the wiener dog! These dogs obviously earned that nickname because of their long bodies and short legs, which make them look like hot dogs! They were bred that way because long ago in Germany, they were used to hunt badgers, and their long bodies helped them to squeeze into badger holes. In fact, the name dachshund is German for “badger dog”!

Dachshunds can be a lot of fun because they are lively and love to play. If you’re interested in getting a dachshund, make sure you get one from a reputable breeder, because dachshunds from bad breeders can have health and behavior problems. Because they have long backs, don’t let your dachshund jump down from high places, like couches or chairs. Also, dachshunds love to dig, so you can purchase a special sandbox so your dachshund can have his own place to dig instead of digging up your yard!

There are three types of dachshunds: smooth, wirehaired, and longhaired. Smooth dachshunds have short fur. Wirehaired dachshunds have short fur with softer fur underneath, and they have longer hair on their faces that gives them bushy eyebrows and a “beard”. Longhaired dachshunds have long, shiny, wavy fur. The colors that all of the dachshund types come in are black-and-tan, red, chocolate brown with tan, brindle (dark-colored with stripes all over), or gray and chocolate.

Well, I hope you’ve enjoyed this Dog of the Month. See you later and Happy Thanksgiving everyone!


Fun Fact!
The reason a dog’s eyes glow when you shine a light into them is because they have a special reflective organ in their eyes. That’s also how dogs can see so well in the dark!


featured photo credit: Sergey Urzhumskov Bourbon via photopin (license)

bottom photo credit: practicalowl Lizzie discovers something interesting. via photopin (license)