Siberian Husky 1

Hey Everyone!

February’s dog of the month is the Siberian Husky. Did you know that Siberian huskies have been sled dogs for a long time? Long ago in 1925 in Nenana, there was a disease called diphtheria (pronounced: dip-THEER-ee-a) which made people very sick. The medicine to cure this disease was in Nome, Alaska, and the cars, trains, and planes all had frozen engines because of the snow. Some sled dog teams took the trip to Nome.

The lead dog of one of the teams was named Balto. His teams and the rest of the other teams made it to Nome, picked up the medicine, and delivered it in time to the people of Nenana, in only five and a half days! The Iditarod (pronounced: eye-DIT-a-rod), a sled dog race from Anchorage, Alaska to Nome, Alaska, is run every year to honor Balto and his team.

The Siberian husky came to Alaska in early 1900, when people used them for Arctic expeditions. The Siberian husky has an undercoat and an overcoat, and the coat can be any color. Their eyes can be brown or blue, or they can have one brown eye and one blue. Those are called “wall” eyes.

Well that’s it for this month. Thanks for reading and check out the upcoming dog in my March post!

-Zariya (ps. I play the piano so I love the music note with the dog together as these are two of my favorite things 🙂 )

Siberian Husky 2

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