Welcome back to the Dogroll everybody!

The Dog of the Month for this month is the Schipperke. Pronounced “Skip-er-kee,” this breed’s name is Flemish for “captain.” It suits them perfectly, as these dogs are bold, energetic, and have to know everything that’s going on at all times! This fox-like black dog needs lots of exercise because of their high energy. They also tend to be barkers; they make great watchdogs, but they may also bark for the sheer fun of it, so owners should be willing to devote time to teach them not to bark so much, or else you’ll have to put up with a lot of noise! Schipperkes can also be a little stubborn, so be firm but patient during training sessions, which should start as early as possible! Weekly brushing keeps their fluffy black coats in good condition.

If you think the Schipperke would be a great match for you, don’t forget to consider adopting from a breed rescue, or else buy one from a reputable breeder!

Well, that’s all for now. See you soon!


Top photo credit: patrickkavanagh Lucy via photopin (license)

Bottom photo credit: Lucy_18-09-08_11 via photopin (license)