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Welcome back to the Dogroll everybody!

It’s November now, and at this time of year we’re all getting ready for Thanksgiving! I just LOVE Thanksgiving. It’s my favorite holiday next to Christmas!

Well, one of my favorite dogs is the beagle, and that’s why I chose this dog to be this month’s Dog of the Month. Beagles are fun, playful little dogs that love to explore. They were trained to hunt in packs, to hunt for rabbits. Some beagles are still used to doing that same kind of job today!

Beagles are very curious and are known to follow their noses, so they need to live in a yard that’s fenced in. They mostly can be tan, black, and white, but some are just tan and white. These dogs need to be socialized and trained while they are young so they don’t develop behavioral problems like digging where they aren’t supposed to, howling, or barking. Beagles are great family dogs because they just LOVE to be with people. There also one of the most popular types of dogs!

I guess that’s all for this Dog of the Month. Hope to see you again next month!
Happy Thanksgiving!

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top photo credit: 316 via photopin (license)
bottom & featured photo credit: Pookie via photopin (license)