Border Collie face

Hey everyone, it’s April (I know it’s almost over)!!!

Springtime is here! Hope you had a good Easter! This month’s dog is the Border Collie. I chose to write about this breed for April because it’s a great spring dog. That’s because they sometimes work outside on farms, so I wanted to write about an outside dog for April. The Border collie is probably the most popular sheepdog. Want to know why? Because he loves to herd sheep and often works on farms. He has to be kept busy or he can get bored and be destructive (but hey, aren’t we all? 🙂

Border Collies are very smart and they learn fast, so they do well in obedience class. (I bet they’d be teacher’s pets in school and get all A’s, lol) 😛 They are very agile and they have fun on the agility course and would love a fun game of chase or Frisbee! (Border Collies are kid’s best friend!!) They are perfect for active families and people that like to be outdoors all the time.

Lots of Border Collies are black and white, but they can be any color except just white. They can have a long-haired coat or a smooth-haired coat. If you own a Border Collie, I’m sure you are enjoying this smart and active dog!!! Well, that’s it for now. Guess what dog I’ll be writing about early next month! (I’ll give you a hint. It’s a small, long-haired dog with butterfly wing-shaped ears.) Hope to see you next month!


Border Collie grass

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