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This Dog of the Month is often used as a firehouse dog…it’s the Dalmatian! Curious to know how this dog got his firedog reputation? Well, he used to run next to horse-drawn carriages and guarded them while the driver stopped to rest. The dog was also used by firemen who used horse-drawn carriages. That’s how Dalmatians are still used as firedogs today!

Dalmatians have short, glossy coats with spots that can be black or liver (dark brown). Dalmatian puppies are born plain white with no spots. The spots come when the puppies are two to six weeks old. Dalmatians need to be brushed every day because they shed all year. This type of dog needs lots and lots of exercise, so he’ll be a great pet for you if you live an active lifestyle! Dalmatians are one of my favorite dog breeds because they are the only type of dog with spots!
Well,I guess that’s it. Be sure to stay tuned for the next Dog of the Month! I hope you’ve had a Happy Fourth of July!


Top photo credit: Dalmations ready for a walk via photopin (license)

Bottom & Featured photo credit: IMG_1349 via photopin (license)