Irish Setter proud

Hello Dogroll readers!
September is already here, and fall time is on its way. As we are in a new month, I will tell you about the latest Dog of the Month, the Irish Setter! This type of dog originated in Ireland, where he was used to hunt birds. When an Irish Setter found a bird, the dog would freeze in place; this is called “setting”. Then the hunter would toss a net over the bird and the dog together, and the bird would be caught!

Irish Setters are very playful and LOVE to hang out with kids. They can act like puppies for a long time and have lots of energy, so they need lots of exercise. Their long, silky coats are a rich reddish-copper color. They need to be groomed two times a week. If you’re looking for a fun, active, friendly dog that gets along with everyone and loves to please, the Irish Setter may be your dog!

Okay, that’s enough said about this Dog of the Month. See you next time!
(PS. I will be telling you more about my book this month. So stay tuned and check back often!)

Irish Setter

Top & Featured Photo Credit: Can, setter via photopin (license)
Bottom Photo Credit: The Dog via photopin (license)