Hey Dogroll readers! I hope you all had a great Christmas! I did, especially since this was my first Christmas with BlaZe! And speaking of BlaZe and dogs, here’s the Dog of the Month for December: the Norwegian Elkhound!

The Norwegian elkhound is classified as a hound, but by the picture, don’t you think he looks more like a husky? They are big fans of snow, too, like huskies. The work they were used for is more like a hound’s, though: Norwegian elkhounds were bred to hunt large game like bears, moose, and of course, elk! They were also the beloved dogs of the Vikings.

The Norwegian elkhound is a bold dog that can also be a loyal family member. You wouldn’t need an alarm system with a Norwegian elkhound around, because he will alert you if there are intruders! Norwegian elkhounds are also very playful and energetic and need lots of exercise. They love nice, brisk jogs!

Well, I hope you’ve enjoyed this Dog of the Month. Have a happy New Year everyone!


P.S. Be sure to check out what BlaZe has to say in his own blog! He would love to tell you about his first Christmas experience!

photo credit: growwel Tessu via photopin (license)