Hi everybody, and Happy New Year! I can’t believe another year has gone by and it’s already 2017! That also means that this is the two-year anniversary of the Dogroll. If you are new to this blog, welcome! If you are already a Dogroll reader, thanks for staying tuned!

My little sister’s and my dad’s birthdays are this month, too, and in honor of my dad’s birthday, I decided that January’s Dog of the Month is the Shetland sheepdog (Sheltie for short), since that’s the kind of dog he had when he was a kid.

Shelties look just like collies, only smaller (and a little bit cuter!). Even though they were bred from collies, Shetland sheepdogs are a different breed from the collie. The colors that a Sheltie’s coat can come in are tricolor (tan, black, and white), black, sable, and blue merle, with some patches of white or tan mixed in.

Shelties are very smart and easy to train, but since they can be shy, they need early socialization. Shelties do well in homes with gentle, quiet kids, since they don’t really like loud noises. But my dad tells me that his Sheltie was a noisemaker in his own right! So I guess it just depends on the individual personality of your dog! 🙂 In any case, I’m sure they are a bunch of fun.

Thanks for reading about this Dog of the Month! Again, I hope you all have a happy New Year!


P.S. We are in the process of getting ready to release two of my new books, so stay tuned for updates and more information about them, and I will let you know when they are officially available!

Featured photo credit: Paul J. Morris Ditto, sunlit by Long Lake via photopin (license)

Bottom photo credit: Sara_Loowgren Luna via photopin (license)